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Экологические проблемы; Ecological problems — Топик по английскому языку. Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему "глобальные проблемы человечества" Топик глобальные проблемы человечества на английском языке

- (от лат. globus шар) главные, ключевые проблемы, отрешения которых зависит само су­ществование, сохранение и развитие цивилизации. Отличительная черта современной цивилизации нарастание гло­бальных угроз и проблем. Речь идет об угрозе… … Политология. Словарь.

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- (фр. global всеобщий, лат. globus шар) проблемы, которые затрагивают жизненно важные интересы всего человечества, всех государств и народов, каждого жителя планеты; выступают в качестве объективного фактора развития современной цивилизации;… … Политология: словарь-справочник

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ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАРОДОНАСЕЛЕНИЯ - ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ НАРОДОНАСЕЛЕНИЯ, совокупность демографич. проблем современности, затрагивающих интересы всего человечества, от решения к рых зависит дальнейший социальный прогресс в совр. эпоху. Важнейшие Г. п. н., чреватые наиболее… … Демографический энциклопедический словарь

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ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ ЧЕЛОВЕЧЕСТВА - (лат. globus шар) противоречия и проблемы, характеризующиеся общепланетарными масштабами проявления, большой остротой и динамизмом. Современная политическая наука относит к глобальным проблемы, выступающие в качестве важнейшего фактора развития… … Политологический словарь-справочник

ГЛОБАЛЬНЫЕ ПРОБЛЕМЫ - область философских исследований, в которой определяются предпосылки решения глобальных проблем современности, анализируются философские аспекты социального, демографического, экологического прогнозирования, поисков путей перестройки мирового… … Современная западная философия. Энциклопедический словарь


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Nowadays the humanity faces a great number of various problems . The scientific and technological progress has changed the life on our planet and as a result our natural resources are exhausted , the ecological balance of the planet is disturbed , many species of flora and fauna disappeared , pollution threatens everything alive. But the environmental problems are not the only ones. Every year thousand of people die because of wars of annihilation , terrorism, different diseases, natural disasters , social problems and in different terrible accident s.

Our environment is vitally connected with the problem of peace on our planet. The scientists consider that nuclear war could destroy mankind completely. It’s true to say that nowadays great masses of chemical and bacteriological weapons have been stocked in the world. If any of these weapons is used, the casualties will run into tens of millions, because mankind has no immunity against bacteriological weapons , and the use of chemical weapons will result in mass contamination of the area.

In recent years terrorism has become a serious issue . People always panic about the possibility of terrorists getting hold of nuclear weapons or they may blow up a nuclear power station instead. Another worry is about the possibility of our water supplies being poisoned. Lately other forms of terrorism such as “suicide terrorism ” and bombing have become a real threat . Everyone remembers the tragedy which happened on the 11thof September in the USA when terrorists hijacke d two planes and crashed them into two buildings in New York. Unfortunately, there is little we can do about it , except, place our faith in the government , and hope that measures taken to prevent terrorism are successful.

There are also diseases that still can’t be cured. One of them is AIDS. This devastating diseasestrikes the body’s immune system . Millions of people have already died of AIDS . To overcome this problem we need further progress of science and personal responsibility. Other examples of incurable diseases are different forms of cancer and heart disorders .

They say that recent extreme weather is due to global warming . Bad weather threatens our homes and even our life. One of the worst weather hazards is the storm known as a hurricane or cyclone (the combination of enormous wind speed, heavy rainfalls and high seas). Another terrible thing is a tornado . Tornadoes are black, twisting clouds that suddenly appear from nowhere, travel at terrifying speed, move in unpredictable ways and cause catastrophic damage in seconds. It’s extremely difficult to forecast where they are likely to strike. People also suffer from earthquakes (a sudden shaking movements of the ground), floods (when water covers the land), drought (a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die) and avalanches (a large amount of snow and ice that suddenly falls down a mountain; a large amount of substance that falls down somewhere: an avalanche of rock/stones/mud).

To sum up, I think that the most dangerous problem is natural disasters because we can’t predict and avoid them in time.

As for the ecological situation in the world, we can say that it’s getting worth. People cut down forests and rainforests,pollute air, water and soil , so rare plant and animal species disappear and the climate changes. We have the time, the money and even the technology to repair the damage . All we need to do is to open our eyes and act immediately. We can prevent tragedies if only the government hires responsible specialists who don’t overlook human or computer errors, look after the buildings, toads and transport, keep nature under a strong control and develop an ability to resist any terrorist activity .

Here are some of the ways to solve ecological problems. Express your own opinion if they are helpful or not:

The factories and plants must be removed from cities

Green zones must be created. The greenery must be protected and increased

Pollution control systems must be introduced

Purifying systems for cleaning and trapping harmful substances must be widely used

Noise must be reduced

We must keep the streets of towns clean

Our environment is constantly changing. This is the fact we cannot deny. The way technological progress influences the environment is not the most favourable.

Today humanity is facing numerous environmental problems. If we do not pay attention to these problems right now, we may face even bigger natural disasters in the future.


Pollution is one of the biggest problems. Plants and motor vehicles are number one pollutants. Their harmful emissions pollute the environment. Oil spills and acid rains make the World Ocean dirty.

Global warming

Global warming is the result of human activity. It is characterized by rising temperatures of the oceans and earth’s surface causing rise in sea levels and melting of polar ice cover. Apart from that, floods, desertification and excessive snow are also signs of global warming.

Climate change

Global warming causes the rise of another serious problem, known as climate change. Climate change can lead to the development of other harmful effects in our life, such as occurrence of new diseases and change in seasons.


Today forests cover about 30% of land. Every year this figure decreases more and more. People clear new territories for residential buildings, new plants and factories. We must realize that deforestation causes the extinction of animals and plants.

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer protects our planet from the sun’s harmful rays. Due to atmospheric emissions of the so-called CFC’s, the ozone layer depletes. This results in occurrence of the holes in the ozone layer.

Today CFC’s are banned in many industries. However, we must remember that if this problem is not taken under control, harmful rays of the sun will easily penetrate the atmosphere. The biggest hole in the ozone layer is located above the Antarctic.

Окружающая нас среда постоянно меняется. Мы не можем отрицать этот факт. Технологический прогресс оказывает не самое благоприятное влияние на окружающую среду.

Сегодня человечество сталкивается со множеством экологических проблем. Если вовремя не обратить на них внимания, мы рискуем столкнуться с гораздо более серьезными бедствиями в будущем.


Загрязнение – одна из самых больших проблем. Заводы и автомобили являются самыми злостными загрязняющими факторами. Разливы нефти и кислотные дожди загрязняют Мировой океан.

Глобальное потепление

Глобальное потепление – результат деятельности человека. Оно характеризуется повышением температуры океанов и поверхности земли, что приводит к повышению уровня воды и таянию ледникового покрова. Кроме того, наводнения, опустынивание и чрезмерное выпадение снега, также являются признаками глобального потепления.

Климатические изменения

Глобальное потепление влечет за собой другую серьезную проблему – изменение климата. Изменение климата может стать причиной появления других вредных влияний на нашу жизнь, в том числе появления новых болезней и изменения погодных условий.

Вырубка лесов

На сегодняшний день 30% поверхности земли покрыто лесами. С каждым годом их становится все меньше. Человек вырубает леса, освобождая площадь под строительство новых домов, заводов и предприятий. Мы должны задуматься о том, что вырубка лесов приводит к вымиранию животных и исчезновению растений.

Истощение озонового слоя

Озоновый слой защищает нашу планету от вредных солнечных лучей. Вследствие выброса в атмосферу так называемых фреонов, озоновый слой истончается. Из-за этого в озоновом слое появляются дыры.

В настоящее время, фреоны практически не используются в производстве. Однако стоит помнить, что если эта проблема не будет взята под контроль, вредные солнечные лучи смогут беспрепятственно проникать в атмосферу. Крупнейшая озоновая дыра находится над Антарктидой.

17 Сен

Тема по английскому языку: Экологические проблемы

Топик по английскому языку: Экологические проблемы (Ecological problems). Данный текст может быть использован в качестве презентации, проекта, рассказа, эссе, сочинения или сообщения на тему.

Актуальные проблемы

Э кологические проблемы причиняют огромный вред окружающей среде. Среди самых актуальных – озоновый слой, кислотные дожди, глобальное потепление, токсическое загрязнение атмосферы, исчезновение лесов, загрязнение подземных вод химикатами, разрушение почвы в некоторых областях и угроза представителям флоры и фауны.

Виды загрязнения

Земля является домом для миллиона живых существ, которые составляют сложный мир природы. В наши дни люди пытаются изменить их среду обитания, чтобы удовлетворить свои потребности – создавать сельскохозяйственные угодья или строить города. Они загрязняют и разрушают среду обитания дикой природы, копая землю для угледобычи или строя дороги. Известно, что четверть всех растений находится под угрозой исчезновения. Существуют различные виды загрязнения: водное, воздушное, загрязнение земли и радиоактивное.

Кислотный дождь

Кислотный дождь выпадает, когда ядовитые газы от атомных станций и автомобильных выхлопов смешиваются с кислородом и влагой в воздухе. Эти газы становятся частью водного цикла, и могут долгое время разноситься ветром, пока не выпадут кислотным дождем, который убивает жизнь в озерах, реках и лесах и разрушает жизнь растений.

Глобальное потепление

Мировые температуры повышаются каждый год. Это так называемое глобальное потепление вызвано скоплением газов и испарением воды в атмосфере. Эти газы образуют слой, который отражает тепло назад на землю. Так как планета нагревается, полярные льды начнут таять. Это может вызвать повышение уровня моря, и многие среды обитания исчезнут под водой.


Экологические проблемы не имеют границ. Однако, катастроф окружающей среды можно избежать, если люди будут расширять свои экологические знания, и каждый будет понимать, что красота природы очень хрупкая. Правительства должны принимать серьезные меры по борьбе с загрязнением окружающей среды.

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Ecological problems


Ecological problems are causing great damage to our environment. Among the most urgent ones are the ozone layer, acid rains, global warming, toxic pollution of atmosphere, disappearance of forests, contamination of underground waters by chemical elements, destruction of soil in some areas, and threat to some flora and fauna representatives.

Types of pollution

The Earth is a home to millions of different kinds of living things, which make up the complex world of nature. Nowadays people try to change their habitats to suit their own needs – to create farmlands or build cities. They create pollution and destroy wildlife habitats by digging the ground up for mining, or by building roads through them. A quarter of all the plants in the world are known to be in a danger or threatened with extinction. There are different types of pollution: water pollution, air pollution, ground pollution and nuclear pollution.

Acid rain

Acid rain falls when poisonous gases from power stations and vehicle exhausts mix with oxygen and moisture in the air. These gases become part of the water cycle and may be carried a long way by the wind before they fall as acid rain, which kills wildlife in lakes, rivers, and forests, and damages the surrounding plant life.

Global warming

World temperatures are currently rising every year. This so called global warming is caused by the building of gases and water vapour in the atmosphere. These gases form a layer that reflects the heat back to Earth. As the planet warms up, the polar ice caps will start to melt. This could cause sea levels to rise and many habitats will disappear under water.


Ecological problems have no borders. However, environment disasters can be avoided if people broaden ecological education and every person understands that the beauty of nature is extremely fragile. Governments must take serious actions against pollution.

Global Problems of Today
People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. People have been fighting with each other since the beginning of the civilisation mostly to get new territories and more land. Later, fighting the distance was another global problem, too, before the discovery of the plane. Today, there are more global problems which can be divided into two categories: ecological problems and social, eco¬nomic and political issues.
The first category includes issues relating to ecological destruction, pollution and global warming as the result. The climate is changing and many people agree that climate change may be one of the greatest threats facing the planet. Many people think that a rise in temperature of about three or four degrees is not very much, but the effects are worse than it seems at first sight. Global warming has already killed off some types of animals and plants. There have been more and more heat waves in the summer, with many people dying in big cities. Rising sea levels are threatening whole nations on low-lying islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The second category of global problems deals with social, economic and political issues. They include global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism and many others.
We are faced with the problem of global terrorism and more and more countries are suffering from it. It is difficult to catch terrorists and prevent their acts. The most terrible terrorist attack took place on September 11, 2001 in the USA. The World Trade Centre, the pride of all Americans and one of the symbols of New York City, was destroyed completely and thousands of people died. The world was shocked and most countries decided to fight against terrorism. However, new terrorist attacks have been committed. Many innocent people still get killed and nobody can stop terrorists.
Poverty is another global problem. It may seem surprising, but most of humanity lives on just a few dollars a day now. The worst situation is in Africa where people (mostly children) die every day of hunger because they have nothing to eat. The poor also have less access to health, education and other services. Problems of hunger, malnutrition and diseases affect the poorest in society.
Another global problem is racism, when people of different races and different skin colour are humiliated and even killed. There are many organisations that fight social global problems, but this battle has lasted for a long time and it will take much time for the solution of all of them.
We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars.

1. Вступление по теме (People have lived on our planet Earth for centuries and global problems have always existed. In ancient times the biggest global problem was wars. People have been fighting with each other since the beginning of the civilisation mostly to get new territories and more land. Later, fighting the distance was another global problem, too, before the discovery of the plane.).
2. Рассказать о двух группах глобальных проблем и о каждой в отдельности (two categories; ecological problems: ecological destruction, pollution and global warming; climate change; killed off some types of animals and plants; heat waves in the summer; many people dying in big cities; rising sea levels; social, economic and political issues: global terrorism, poverty, human rights, health issues, racism; terrorists, most terrible terrorist attack, fight against terrorism, new terrorist attacks, innocent people; poverty, Africa, die of hunger, less access to health, education and other services; racism, humiliated and killed, organisations, fight social global problems).
3. Заключение (We live in the 21st century and humanity has made a great progress in technology, so I think that it is strange that we still have global problems, especially the ones that deal with social, economic and political issues. I am sure that they can be solved completely without any conflicts or wars.).

1. What global problems were there in the past?
2. What are the two categories of global problems now?
3. What does the first category include?
4. Why is global warming considered a global problem?
5. How does it affect nature?
6. What global problems does the second category include?
7. Why is terrorism a global problem?
8. Is poverty a big issue nowadays? Why?
9. What is racism and why is it a global problem?
10. What other global problems can you mention?
11. In what way can we fight global problems?
12. What global problem do you think is the biggest one? Why?

Problems Проблемы
climate change изменение климата
diseases болезни
ecological экологические
economic экономические
educational образовательные
environmental связанные с окружающей средой
financial crisis финансовый кризис
global глобальные
global warming глобальное потепление
health здравоохранение
hunger голод
malnutrition недоедание
political политические
pollution загрязнение
poverty бедность
racism расизм
social социальные
technological технологические
terrorism терроризм




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